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Nouvelle mise à jour x12S 1.5.03

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Nouvelle mise à jour x12S 1.5.03 Empty Nouvelle mise à jour x12S 1.5.03

Message par Chamou76 Lun 26 Fév 2018 - 11:06

1. Add delay for logical switches;
2. Add delay and fade in/out for mixer under the custom model;
3. Add delay and fade in/out for exMixer under AIRPLANE / GLIDER / HELICOPTOR/MULTICOPTER models;
4. Add supports for extendable stick end;
5. Fix the bug of incorrect calibration of battery voltage;
6. Improve the accuracy of telemetry data ALTI_V(0.01m);
7. R9M fully supported;
8. Fix the bug of SWASH RING;
9. Fix the bug of L12R mode, L9R receiver without SWR warning;
10. Flight Mode only use logic sw 1-8 except custom model;
11. Fix the bug of date;
12. The sw for #1 can not be changed in AILDIFF page;
13. Fix the bug of time goes slow in SYS/TIME page ;
14. S.Port will be OFF when internal RF module is active;
15. Fix the issue that timer does not stop under Glider mode;
16. Fix the issue that THR. related options can not be actived in TIMER under glider mode;
17. Fix the issue of mode page under molticoptor;
18. Fix the issue of display of the telemetry value does not change in TeleCal;
19. Fix the issue that can¡¯t set min value in TeleCal;
20. Don¡¯t save value before stick calibration done;
21. Optimize the warning of low battery warning.


Masculin Messages : 195
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2016
Age : 63
Localisation : 76

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